Registration List

This is the current registration list. If you're on the list then you're in the caravan.

If you notice any mistakes email: with changes.

 001 Mr Russell Ritchie Scotland 1963 Cal Look Beetle Ragtop "Aronson/Holmes" (Ex DKP - Cal Look Custodians) NWT 475A
 002 Mr Russell Ritchie Scotland 1967 Cal Look Beetle "Arnie Molhman" (Ex DKP - Cal Look Custodians) HSE 115E
 003 Mr Owen Ritchie Scotland 1967 Cal Look Beetle (Cal Look Custodians) DRS 209D
 004 Mr Russell Ritchie Scotland 1963 Cal Look Beetle TBA
 005 Mr Bill Tsagrinos Las Vegas, USA 1968 Guest Driver TBA
 006 Mr Lanny Hussay Canada 1968 Guest Driver TBA
 007 Mr Jim Dix England 1959 Karmann Ghia 17JED
 008 Mr Dean Kirsten California, USA 1967 Guest Driver TBA
 009 Mr Steve Weidner California, USA 1963 Guest Driver TBA
 010 Mr Heydon Mizon UK 1967 Cal Look Beetle LCV43E
 011 Mr Georg Schmundt-Thomas Germany 1962 Cal Look Beetle ER-07004
 012 Mr Sam Dix England 1967 Cal Look Beetle UBH140E
 013 Mr Mark Paine United Kingdom 1954 Cal Look Beetle SUW 95
 014 Mr Douglas McGuigan GB 1967 Cal Look Beetle RGP975E
 015 Mr Jan-Peter Sloterdijk The Netherlands 1964 ragtop beetle AE-88-81
 016 Mr Tobias Pleines Germany 1967 Type 3 Squareback WOB-A 367 H
 017 Mr james cornes United Kingdom 1966 Type 1 TBC
 018 Mr Felix Ehrhardt / DFL Germany 1967 Typ 3 311xxx
 019 Mr Daniel Prosek Germany 1966 Beetle OB 07067
 020 Mr Olaf Albers Germany 1955 11 D-07015
 021 Mr Tom Fleet United Kingdom 1966 Cal Look Beetle KLU765D
 022 Mr Hans van Hengel Netherlands 1967 VW bug AM-16-25 or PM-58-08
 023 Mr Jens Böhmig Germany 1956 Beetle WN-0798
 024 Mr Wes Mans Belgium 1966 Beetle O-AYV-515
 025 Mr Dominic Hill United Kingdom 1965 Cal Look Beetle JPD 207c
 026 Mr Rich Beck UK 1953 Cal Look Beetle 5987 HJ
 027 Mr Matteo Mandelli UK 1967 Cal Look Beetle BGZ 67
 028 Mr Cseke Zoltan Hungary 1967 Cal Look Beetle WOB-067
 029 Mr Dirk Bublies Germany 1967 Cal Look Beetle OS-07073
 030 Mr Christian/DFL Göhner Germany 1966 Cal Look Beetle WOB-0761
 031 Mr Otto Richelmann Germany 1969 Cal Look Beetle NOH-FX 4H
 032 Mr Helge (DFL VW Club) Ohmes Germany 1962 Cal Look Beetle WL-07089
 033 Mr Georg Otto / DFL Germany 1969 Karmann Ghia Type 34 KA-07423
 034 Mr Pirkhoffer Andras Hungary 1962 VW Kafer 1200 CKJ-340
 035 Mr Christian Kreutzmann Germany 1960 Cal Look Beetle HH 07235
 036 Mr Rob Hogg England 1963 Cal Look Beetle DSA 465B
 037 Mr Hrvoje Curkovic Hrvatska 1954 Cal Look Beetle ST-54-BUG
 038 Mr Goran Pravica Croatia 1963 Beetle ZG 5663-JK
 039 Mr Sven Zimmermann Germany 1961 Cal Look Beetle DA-07038
 040 Mr Dirk Pronk The Netherlands 1969 Cal Look Beetle 94-77-HV
 041 Dr Kenneth Anno Belgium 1961 Cal Look Beetle 1OYE440
 042 Mrs Ela Formanowicz NO 1958 Cal Look Beetle EMPI
 043 Mr Magne Baevre NORWAY 1968 Cal Look Beetle F 3518
 044 Dr Janik Otto Germany 1969 Cal Look Beetle MA JO 69H
 045 Mr Luke Pronk The Netherlands 1974 Cal Look Beetle 55-AS-67
 046 Mr Mark Way United Kingdom 1954 Cal Look Beetle TSL 598
 047 Mr Dennis Slater Scotland 1969 EMPI GTV Beetle AHX 998G
 048 Mr Yoeri Bousmans Belgium 1967 Cal Look Beetle 117813078
 049 Mr Darren Krewenchuk Canada 1967 Guest Driver TBA
 050 Mr Randy Ayers Canada 1967 Guest Driver TBA
 051 Mr Nige Fleet UK 1972 Beetle BVM290K
 052 Mr Andy Jewell GB 1966 1966 Beetle OGU 805D
 053 Mr Tomas and Annemette Nielsen Denmark 1957 Type 1 U 8211
 054 Mr Thierry Vannerom Belgium 1961 117, VW De Luxe Sedan with Sun Roof O-AYB-443
 055 Mr Tom Van Nuffel België 1968 Beetle convertible OAR-027
 056 Mr Kurt Van Perre Belgium 1967 Beetle Empi
 057 Mr Frank Linden Belgium 1966 Bug OAYZ 553
 058 Mr Dries Van hamme Belgium 1967 Beetle FATD